Ministry Staff

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Shawn Lazar

Senior Pastor, Shawn Lazar, has been blessed to work in full-time ministry since 2012. His passion is to share the gospel of grace with believers and unbelievers (Eph 2:8-9) and to encourage Christians to grow, not through legalism, but through living by faith in Jesus (Gal 2:20).


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Lance Candler

Our Business Administrator and Ministry Leader to Youth is Lance Candler. He has been on staff at Gateway for 14 years and has a compassion for teens;

Contact Lance at his email.

Maegan Self

Our Interim Children's Minister, Maegan Self, is a wife and mother of six children, all raised at Gateway. Maegan has taught children, in a variety of age ranges, for more than 10 years at the church. She believes christian education starts with children, and the foundation for having a strong relationship with Christ starts when you are very young. That makes it crucial that, as a church, we pour into our children a love for Chist. Through encouragement and education, we can help children grow in Christ.

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D'Ann Owens

D'Ann serves as Administrative Support and is in the office on Tuesday and Friday.

Contact her at Email